hmmmm hw to start...well yestrday still doing the bisnes alone and i dont mind with that...maybe my bisnes partner 2 blm ready lgi maw join the bisnes again...huuuu everything went so well yesterday,,bnyk jga untung ne yg sya dpt n thats make me more heppy...well cuzzie sya stu pn sdh apology ngn sya n my granny pn told me to trima apology drg n mmg pn sya trima coz i dont want hal ne kc pnjg2...stop with that boring sdh crta psal 2 jak...
next story...lps siap bisnes 2 pa lgi plg rmh lh kn sbb mlm 2 ada rhsl mnari ne...mmg agak sdh yg pnari2 2 mmg lmbt smpai so tnggu jak lh drg kn...tyme lthn mnari 2sya btul2 mrh oo ngn my brother klu tgr ckit jak msti mngganas ne..x btul pndai control 2 panas baran dya...sya pn thn mlu jak lh dpn pnari2 sbb dya ska bt org mlu kn.. eee kin panans tul oo org mcm 2 x pndai sdr dri lg 2...huuuu
then my bf...arghhhhhhhhhh sya btul2 tda mood lgi maw couple2 oo skrg ne...boring sdh btul ne..walaupn sya still syg dya tp sya mmg x maw couple2 oo skrg ne...hmmmmm mcm mna lh sya maw bgtaw dya psal ne arhhh...sdh lh skarng ne pn kmi ada mslhhhhh...arghhhhh sya x thn lgi oo ngn mslh mcm ne...sya mnysal tul oo couple2 ne tda jga yg sya dpt dr smua ne except for love to hndle problm like thisss???sya btul2 x taw lgi maw bt pa ne..klu blh sya maw vanish jak dri mka bumi.....lolzzzz sya taw jga yg prkra 2 msthil trjadi kcuali lh klu sya mati..hahahaha palis2 jak lh kn..hehe
todayyy....sya pn x taw pa yg akn jdi hri ne...bngn2 jak tdi trus jak on9 ne sbb x dpt tngk tv kn ada problm astro ne..smpai skrg blm blh bka lg tv....borink nyaaaa....hrp2 hri ne ada something that happen yg blh bt sya hepy...pray to GOD lh so i can be hepy today...well thats all my story for today...GOD BLESS ALL OF US!!
enjoy guys!!!
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