Sunday, 27 February 2011

we got it!!!

yeahhhhhh....akhir nya ada jga prkara yg buat sya heppy...hehe
yesterday we had perform our pokudinding dance in front of the visitors from muzium kebudayaan...ingt kn sikit2 jak yg dtg pg tngk kmi perform...duiii pnya  lh men bnyk pelawat dri muzium kebudayaan 2..maw dkat jga bha 20 org yg dtg maw tngk prsmbhn kmi ne blh kna kc perform d sabah fiesta taw pn x..

hmmmm...before buat performance 2...msti lh bha buat prsiapan kn tuk mnari..msti bju lngkap, rmbut kemas n mka pn msti yg bkin kecewa ne..pnari2 lmbt dtg utk bt smua 2 persiapan...kmmi buat 2 pelawat2 trtunggu2 kmi ne..sbb kmi lmbt lbh kurg 45 mnit klu x slap luckily e2 x mmpngaruhi penerimaan drg tuk bwa kmi perform d sabah to the dancer>> len kli jgn lg lmbt2 arhhh...hehe nnt kta lgi yg ssh...huuu advise ne utk kita smua lh kn...hehe

ptg kmarin kmi bt performance d dewan kg piasau....pnya lh men nervous nmpk 2 audience dri muzium kebudayaan 2....huuuuuuuuuuuuu yg dpt kmi buat is take a deep breath jak lh...smpai jak d dewan kmi p d blkng pentas tuk last advise from kmi pnya sifu...pas 2 kmi berdoa wlaupn ini bkn acara greja tp kmi ttp berdoa coz maw mnta BLESSING FROM GOD...bnyk btul cbrn oo tyme maw smbyng 2...ada yg bg surat,, srh sdia lh n mcm2 lg lh tp nsb bek kmi dpt jga berdoa ne....

tyme mnari...duiiii pnya lh men nervous...degupan jntung..sya ngn TUHAN  jak taw ne...maw snyum pn bibir brgetar2 bha...ssh maw snyum tyme keadaan nervous ne...haha tp trpksa snyum jga lh maw bt expression mka yg d best kmi bt lh yg terbek tyme 2...nsib kesilapn skit jak ne....huuuuu lega jga bha lpas siap mnari nervous 2 blum hilang lg sbb blm taw dpt pg taw pn x d sabah fiesta 2...
lpas siap mnari kmi trun dri pntas then mumy yusof (koreografer professional) n judith (ketua rombongan) jmpa kmi ne...bnyk lh coment dya (mumy yusof) tntg 2 tarian..bnyk yg dya srh buang dan ubah...pas tu drg srh kmi bt stu kli lgi...kmi pn ok jga lh sbb kira maw yg terbek lgi kn...lpas performance yg kedua kli 2 nervous hilang2 sdh...leganyaaaaaaaaa....

after that  kmi dpt khabar yg kmi akn perform d sabah fiesta... pnya lh heppy kmi tyme bnyk lh condition yg pelawat dri muzium 2 bgi...drg maw kmi tmbh 4 cple lg n bju msti pa blh buat kn kmi x blh lwn kehendak drg so we need to do that things lh to satisfy blm lg dpat the right 8 people to join our group so ada lgi pemilihan mgkn yg kna buat..hmmmm sya pn x taw lh amcm...

smpat lgi ne kna ambik gmbr mcm artis bha cehhhhh...haha pnya skit bibir ne maw snyum...hehe tp tahan jak lh x lma jga kn...

bnyk lgi ne khabar gembira yg kmi dpt.....25hb APRIL kmi akn jalan p d kk tuk bt persiapn like latihan tarian n mcm2 lh..kmi d kk 2 nnt from 25hb APRIL to 2hb of MAY...fuhhh hrp2 best lh...yg pntg skali pngalaman...hehe heppy tul ne akhirnya dpt jga mnari d luar kb....smpai c dura@digo peluk2 lgi bha sya sbb trlampau hepy ne....hahaha hrp2 teda yg mnghalang tuk kmi ikut lh mnari d sabah fiesta 2 nnt...sbb trlampau hepy sdh kn ngn 2 brta...hehe


Thursday, 24 February 2011

another chapter of life....

hmmmm hw to start...well yestrday still doing the bisnes alone and i dont mind with that...maybe my bisnes partner 2 blm ready lgi maw join the bisnes again...huuuu everything went so well yesterday,,bnyk jga untung ne yg sya dpt n thats make me more heppy...well cuzzie sya stu pn sdh apology ngn sya n my granny pn told me to trima apology drg n mmg pn sya trima coz i dont want hal ne kc pnjg2...stop with that boring sdh crta psal 2 jak...

next story...lps siap bisnes 2 pa lgi plg rmh lh kn sbb mlm 2 ada rhsl mnari ne...mmg agak sdh yg pnari2 2 mmg lmbt smpai so tnggu jak lh drg kn...tyme lthn mnari 2sya btul2 mrh oo ngn my brother klu tgr ckit jak msti mngganas ne..x btul pndai control 2 panas baran dya...sya pn thn mlu jak lh dpn pnari2 sbb dya ska bt org mlu kn.. eee kin panans tul oo org mcm 2 x pndai sdr dri lg 2...huuuu

then my bf...arghhhhhhhhhh sya btul2 tda mood lgi maw couple2 oo skrg ne...boring sdh btul ne..walaupn sya still syg dya tp sya mmg x maw couple2 oo skrg ne...hmmmmm mcm mna lh sya maw bgtaw dya psal ne arhhh...sdh lh skarng ne pn kmi ada mslhhhhh...arghhhhh sya x thn lgi oo ngn mslh mcm  ne...sya mnysal tul oo couple2 ne tda jga yg sya dpt dr smua ne except for love to hndle problm like thisss???sya btul2 x taw lgi maw bt pa ne..klu blh sya maw vanish jak dri mka bumi.....lolzzzz sya taw jga yg prkra 2 msthil trjadi kcuali lh klu sya mati..hahahaha palis2 jak lh kn..hehe 

todayyy....sya pn x taw pa yg akn jdi hri ne...bngn2 jak tdi trus jak on9 ne sbb x dpt tngk tv kn ada problm astro ne..smpai skrg blm blh bka lg tv....borink nyaaaa....hrp2 hri ne ada something that happen yg blh bt sya hepy...pray to GOD lh so i can be hepy today...well thats all my story for today...GOD BLESS ALL OF US!!

enjoy guys!!!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

what an emotional day!!

ermmm x taw mcm mna maw mla ooo...well hri ne only me yg kc jln bisnes kmi 2...mula2 semua nya brjln dngn bek n lancar..tda mslh lngsg...n suddenly my granny ask me knapa my bisnes partner ne x dtg so sya pn jwp lh x taw cuz sya btul2 x taw knapa dya x dtg..sdh pn sya inform dya...ermmm lpas jak sya bgi jwpn 2 my granny mention about yg problm kmi 2..n mcm dya blame sya jak for what had happen..taw lh bha drg 2 kn cucu kesayangan my grandparents every mistake yg drg bt msti kna sya x thn lgi kna ckp mcm2 my tears keluar lh...sbb slama ne sya thn jak mslh yg tmbul msti sya jga yg kna kc slh aunty pn tdi pa lgi dya mrh lh my granny sbb tba2 x taw pa2 maw ckp2 mcm 2...sya pn x thn sdh sya lri lh dri my granny n do something else...sdh lh my day rosak gara2 hal e2 skrg ne tmbul lgi stu...duiii what an owfull day btul ooo...klu blh sya maw lri jauh2 dri kg ne so no problm akan tmbul lgi...mgkn org ingt yg sya troublemaker or watever tp sya btul2 x maw ada mslh dlm hidup sya...sya rsa ne mslh skrg btul2 bgi beban dlm hidup sya...OHHH GOD WHEN ALL THIS WILL BE END???really need the answer now...x thn sdh cuzzie pn x hbis2 maw kc slh sya ungkit mslh ne...welll fyi sya x maw mngungkit tp its just an advice untuk kta smua...sya taw lh scar d hati ko 2 bsar sngt n i understand that tpi prnh kh ko fkir psal org len n dont be selfish..grow up lh bha ckit this is not all about you bha...please lh....well ingt kn my advice 2 blh kc reda2 stress dya tp bkin tmbh lg mgkn 2...hmmmm dont know what to do lgi lh...hrp ko fhm that it just an advice klu ko maw fkir e2 sbagai sindiran ska hti lh coz i have no intention 2 sindir ko ok...klu pray psal maw kc lpa e2 smua tyme mlm hal ne brlaku sya sdh pray spya smua ne sdh sya lpa but what can i do???hentak kpala d simen kh untuk lpa smua ne...only stupid person will do that bha...lolzz sya pn x taw mcm mna lg maw kc ok ne mslh maybe better for me to keep my distance from them lh spya mslh ne x bruk...

enjoy reading!!!!

GOD please help us to solve this problem....

  yesterday my cuzzie posted at my walls saying that they r sorry for what had happen..and apology was im hoping that situation like this will never comes out n happen again..situation like this wiil not only make my relationship with my friends n my cuzzies  will be like a disaster but also our parents..well situation like this pernah berlaku sblm ne n sya btul2 x ska pa yg trjdi sbb pasal stu mslh jak kmi x brtgr n have bad feelings for each other n i dont want it to be happen again..the past is the past n just let it be the past...n because of that problm jga i dont want people to judge n blame me for what had happen...every problem that happen msti brkaitan dngn my cuzzie oza, lea n of course me...sometimes i never understand why problem always arise between us n bila kmi sama2..maybe GOD maw bgi cbrn dlm hubungan kmi yg brcousin ne..n thanx to my cuzzie phamp n didie yg slalu bntu sya to solve problm like this..without them blm tntu lgi mslh yg mcm ne akan hope u guys will always be around to help me...well i dont want to exaggerate this story...n for my cuzzie oza that in stress right now...hey girl no need to be stress..i know yg ko dgn mumy ko skrg ne ada problem bcoz of this situation so dont blame ur mumy sbb dya mrh2 ko kh x prcya ko bcoz every mum want the best for thier daughter mngkn ko x taw that deep inside ur mumy heart yg dya x maw mrh ko smpai g2...she only want the best for u...n hope u understand it...ko kn anak kesayangan dya so dya x maw ko rosak or watever...and i really dont like u call ur self the superdevil person bcoz i know that u r not a devil..well when we hang out i dont feel that u r evil but i feel ur kindness n sweetness<3< my cuzzie oza hve something to tell u.....what ever happen next we just have to be strong...w just have to remember that GOD ALWAYS WITH US NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN!!!!!!1

              CHILL OUT GURL<3<3<3


Monday, 21 February 2011


yeaaaahhh...finaly have my own blog...been struggling to create this blog and now i can do anything with my blog..lolz 
enjoy blogging....