Thursday, 12 May 2011


hmmm why did i put 1000 in my entry for today?? :) its becoz i will reach 1000 viewers soon...hehe im so heppy for so glad 2 share my life story with u guys...appreciate all the viewers...may god bless u all peeps...mwahhhhhhhhh^^

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


ok this is just a quick entry from me..suara sya skrg ne x brpa ok a.k.a serak2 basah mcm pnyanyi rock ne d sbb kn selesma yg mnyerang dri sya...and its hard for me to talk with people with a voice like this...sbb ssh maw fhm pa yg kita ckp..x jelas kn..harap2 suara sya dpt kembali kpda asal dlm msa terdekat ne..huuu..ok ne hri pa sya buat arhh??? hmm sya ne mmg ska tidur lmbt n bgn pn lmbat..x pyh lh sya bgtaw jam brpa sya bngn nnt kin malu sya jak..hehe yg pntg mmg late lh klu bngn pgi..hehe ok sya bt lh krja harian sya for example mnyapu, lipat kain n bnyk lgi lh krja yg patut sya lakukn...huuuu jam 2.35pm sya jln pg greja utk kc jalan 2 reasel pementasan sklh mnggu..x lma lgi oo 2 anak sklh mnggu buat perfomance drg will be  in this saturday oo...2 lh smua guru2 pmntasan sdg skit kepala fikir pasal semua 2..pa2 pn kmi serah kpda yg d atas jak..sbb dya yg atur smua nya utk kita kita msti jga berusaha spya smua nya dpt brjaln dgn lancar,,,doa2 jga utk ini ne sbb sya taw ne sngt pntg utk anak2 sklh mnggu...heee ok nsib bek ank2 sklh mnggu yg dtg d greja tdi bnyk jga n dpt jga kmi masuk d greja walaupn kunci tertinggal d dlm greja..thanx 2 d kid of sklh mnggu jga lh sbb drg pndai cri idea bka greja kn...hehe ok enough for that...reasel kmi brjalan dgn lancr n thanx kpada guru2 n pmm yg dtng mmbntu,,sya taip jak lh nma drg d cni utk pnghargaan [miss dion, miss oza, miss lisa, mr madir n mr daniel]...hehe actually 2 bkn nma sbnar drg tp nma glamour so lbih bgs gna nma glamour kn...hehe eeiiii sya lpa plak thanx 2 pastor kmi jga sbb bntu dlm prsmbhn koir...hehehe...mmg pnat jga lh ajar anak2 sklh mnggu ne..trpaksa gna intonasi suara yg lbih tnggi ngn drg tp dgn mka yg bek lh bkn nya garang btl bha...heee 2 lh drg x tkut dgn kmi,,,huuuu pa blh bt mc bdk2 bha drng kn...ok lh sya taip yg awal2 tdi quick entry kn..hmm x sngka bkn quick sya rsa ne sbb pnjg sdh sya taip..x perasan plak kunun ne...kwang3..kekke x pa bha kn..hehe ok lh e2 jak yg sya dpt share...ermm no pic for today lpa ambik gmbr tdi,,,hehe maw jga bha... k lh see u in the next entryy k...gud nyte peeps! ^^

Monday, 9 May 2011

the interview...

entry sya kali ne sya sya taip dlm bahasa sabah jak lh arhhh...ok sya smpai d hospital kaybe pda jam 7 pagi n sya jmpa my closest friend dri sklh...nsib bek ada jga kwn ne tyme interview...jam 8am kmi d bawa p stu tmpt nma 2 tmpt adalh rumah mesra...d sna kmi kna srh jwab kertas soalan yg mmpunyai 227 soalan...laaa xpyh risau lh senang2 jak soalan dya...budak sekolah rndah pn blh jwab jga ne...ok slps siap mnjawab kmi ambik nmbor giliran utk temuduga n saya adalah org ke-14 yg kna temuduga...yg closest friend sya 2 dya awal ckit dya org kedua kna intrview ne...ermmm kmi mnnunggu dgn sabarnya d tmpt yg brdkatan dgn tandas lgi 2...eee trcium bau-bauan dri tndas adalh salah stu prkra yg x kita inginkn tyme intervw kn tp pa blh buat sdh nsib kmi mnunggu d tmpt brdktn tndas...d tambah lgi dgn panas nya kmi mnunggu smpai brpeluh2 bha..ok my turn kna intervw..mmg ada perasaan nervous ckit lh tyme kna msti bt mka confident lh spya x brpa ketara nervous kn...ok2 bnyk lh soalan yg 2 penemuduga tnya...salah stu nya adalah "siapakh ketua kesihatan di negeri sabah?" something like that lh....duiii btul2 sya blurr ne sbb sya sndri x pasti ne buat mka confidnt jak jwab soalan 2 penemuduga...sya ckap jak kurang pasti..kwang3..kekeke pa blh bt kn sdh x taw ne...bnyk lg lh soalan yg dya tnya n smua sya try jwab ngn bek n confident...hmmm smpat lgi  penemuduga bgi tips2 n advise utk sya ne...hehe bek drg sma klu sdh jwabn temuduga nnt x dpt pa blh bt kn..sya continue jak lh d matriks ne...n lgi stu hrp2 permohonan rayuan utk UPU sya 2 kna trima lh...ok e2 jak lh ne hri..lgi pn sya mc kurang sihat lgi..kpla mc pening2 sya brdoa jak lh utk smua yg sya pohon n twaran yg sya dpt spya smuanya ok2...hehe ok see u in the next entry...have a good day peeps! gbu^^

Sunday, 8 May 2011

there's sumthing wrong wit my nose!!

ok2 its not really serious bha ne...bkn nya sya dpt penyakit yg berbahaya bha...hehe cma skrg ne sya sdg selesema so my nose blik2 tersumbat n its hard for me to breath normally...hmm lgi stu yg sya pling x ska ada liquid yg x mnyenangkn kluar dri hidung that is "hingus"...yuckkkkk....XD really2 dont like when i got sick also got the headache n my bdan is like so wick..its minimize my movement ne...wlau bagaimna pun i still have the energy to post an entry in my blog...hehehe actually tdi ptg sya rsa mcm bleh than lgi ne skit sbb x jga teruk sngat..sempat lgi sya ngn kawan2 pgi mkan mee sup at one of my favourte place..xtaw tba2 jak my headache menggila ne...actually this week jga is my group turn to be the tambourine dance in my church but bcoz of this disease attack me so i cant go the group leader i would like apologise to all of my ahli kumplan coz i didn;t go...sya sndri pn rsa sngt2 kecewa ne...hmmm btw all the best for tomorow...ok bru jak siap tngk AF and the person who got out for this week is AFIF...huuu he is one of my favourte student in AF u know..i like his character n he is so cute for me lh...hehe and of course i would like to give credit to NERA coz she is getting better n better in her perfomance...i hope she will do much better for the next concert...hmmm now i am so nervous when thinking about my interview in monday...i think i dont have any preparation yet n this making me more nervous...i dont know how to answer all the question that will be ask...maybe all i have to do is just be myself n be honest kn...but my confident level is not enough lgi ooo...hrp2 x lh gugup time jwap all the soalan2 nnt...huuuu so guys please pray for me n wish me the best for this monday...for tommorow i will be handling the perhimpunan of sekolah mnggu if i feel much better tomorrow i will handle it but if not i will ask someone to replace me...hope i will feel much better for tomorrow n this monday...coz it will be not comfortable when going to an intrview with a sick face n weak body....its too long already kn so to end my entry for today there r some pic i would like to share during me n my friends makan mee sup tdi.. :)
the name of the kadai mee sup in my kampong.. :)

enjoying the mee sup... :)

palan2 bha kita...hehe :P

geng mkan mee sup ne kli..hehe :P

the same pic bha ne...hehe :P

myta n his cute niece.. :)
the aunty who prepare our mee sup n helped by his daughter :)
orang yg sdh kanyang...keke :P
one of the cutest kid in our kampong.. :)
yg pling lambt dtg ne...kmi siap mkan bru smpai :P

looking for her surat sinta...wakakaka :P

hope can makan mee sup with u guys lagi was fun for me...god bless... ^^

Saturday, 7 May 2011

going back to the old school (smard)...

...well the title above may confuse the readers kn....the question is am i going back to high school again??? hehe and my answer is NOPE! for the high school jak lh...coz im going to continue my study jga but not in form6 ok...i got the offer from matriculation im going to that place...i hope i can fit in quickly there...ok now continue about the title above..actually yes i've been at my old school this morning...for what?? i go there to take my 'surat lepas sekolah' bha...coz this monday im going to the interview of spa8...i hope i can do better for the interview..please pray for me k...thanxxx^^ hehe...actually there r many of us that go to that school to tke surat lepas, sijil n mcm2 lgi lh...after that we go to town...jln2 kunun...hehe actually there r 9 of us bha that go to school but we were separated time we went to the town...masing2 ada tujuan..hehe so only 4 of us lgi lh that krja kmi adalah round2 2 tu kb jak ne...kekeke...after we arrive at the town we go to the post office to buy something,,hehe n then we go to kadai mee sup to fill our empty stomach...hmmm sedap oo yg kmi mkn 2...hehe k then bru lh kmi round2 kb...eventhough we see the same thing everytime we got to town ne...hehe yg pntg enjoy bha...kekeke ok to end my story thre r some pic that i would like to share with u... :) >>>
ini lh kwn2 sya jln2 round2 kb...hehe from left kmi pnggl dya c digo, seha n gurl..cute2 kn..hehe

me holding the biggest teddy bear at that store.. :P

holding the i <3 u teddy bear..hehe :P

candid kunun ne tp tengok yg sna blakang mcm bkn candid kn...kekeke :P

yg tngah2 2 maw masuk form1 blik..wakakaka

smua pn buat mka cute ne...hehe :P

trip2 2 mulut patung ikan ne... :) 

ini ne trip2 country girl ne.. :P
ok that all our picture that i had taken...ukey have a nice day :)

Thursday, 5 May 2011

sabah fest 2011...

bha i want to ask u guys something...hehe brkaitan dgn tajuk d atas jga bha ne...hmmm ada kmu pgi mlawat sna hotel magellan sutera harbour resort kh pda 30th april ngn 1st may....sbb sna ada pertunjukan SABAH FEST bha...hehe actually i've been there at that time...not only me bha but also with my friends and family...u know why bcoz kmi buat prsmbhan d sna ne...syok ooo tpi pnat lh....kmi perform 2 tarian tradisi from our daerah that is the POKUDINDING DANCE..hehe sya kc campur2 jak bhsa ne sya malas full english sbb im not really good in bi bha...hehe bm sabah sya pas lh....ok starting dya gne,,hehe ada 26 org smua yg ikut pg sabah fest 2 klu x clap sya lh...16 org penari n 7 org pemain muzik tradisi n 3 crew yg len trmasuk my mum n our choreographer...kmi start lthan mnari pda 26hb tpi kmi brtolak dri kg pda 25hb sbb ltihan bsuk pgi dya klu maw awl trpksa jln awl jga...dri 26hb hingga 28hb kmi rhsl d dewan serbaguna likas...duiii pnya lh men pnas sna 2...aircond brpsng pn brpeluh jga ne...huuu ok kmi latihan dri jam 10am-10pm ada jga lh kmi rhat tp x lma lh...hehe boring jga lh tyme sna tp pa blh buat kn e2 jak krja kmi mnari mnari dan mnari...hehe 29hb kmi fulldress rehearsel d hotel sdh ne...d sna pnya lh men sajukkk....pkai bju tradisi pn sajuk jga ne...kebas tngn n kaki...pa2 pn mmg best jga lh...lgi yg kin penat kmi kna sruh brdiri dri jam 6.30pm-9pm utk smbt TYT jak ne..x kh e2 bikin penat n pnas sdh lh kna suruh senyum jak...mcm x skit mulut jak yg best dya bnyk pelancong luar negara bwa brgambar ne x jga rugi lh brdiri jak..ehe ermmm lgi stu kwn2 sya ckp mka sya kluar daily express pnya newspaper ne...hmmm hrp2 btul lh 2 sbb sya blm nmpk lgi bha..hehe...ok secara ringkasnya sepnjang kmi buat perfomance ada msa kmi smua heppy n ada msa kmi sdih d tmbh lgi ada yg menangis ne....huuuuuu x maw mention nma lh tp ada yg menangis sbb kna kc slh kn...duiii in group x blh g2 bha kn...msti brsatu padu ne spya 2 group x mdah jatuh stiap keslahan haruslh d tnggung brsama n bukan nya sling menyalhkn antra stu sma len so ini pn stu pengajaran lh buat kmi n kita smua k...heeee ermmm laaa lpa maw mention ada stu tarian n lagu yg pling best lh tyme d sna yg kmi bljar tjuk lgu dya yg sya taw MANUK LIMBOKON..x taw lh klu btul 2 tarian mmng yg pling malatop lh...hehe kc heppy hti yg bad mo0d ne...hrp2 msa akn dtg kmi dpt buat yg lebih bek drpd sblm ne...hehe n lgi stu mumy yusof jga pling manang...lolzzzz k lh bg mngakihiri post sya kli ne sya kc tngok kmu smmua gmbr2 tyme kmi sna....enjoyyy>>>>
my mumy and me <3!

my dancing partner...nama dya c josua...kmi lh psngn cute...hehe perasan ne...

this is me posing like unduk ngadau but ada org enterframe bha kin spoil jak my pic...hehe :P

some of the dancers r missing in this pic...huuu :(

yg d tengah2 2 our choreograapher...hehe :))

cute2 bha kn...:)

me with my bestie...hehe:) cantik kh?? :P

ini kwan tyme bdak2 till now lh n my classmte from  form1-form3... :)

we taking candid pic yg x menjadi ne...wakaka

sja jak ne... :P

this is my cuzzie n me... :)

at the centre is mumy yusof..paling malatopp...hehe

this is my family...yg pling tnggi 2 adik llki sya n bkn nya abg k..rmai org clap ne..hehe :)

me posing like gadis melayu terakhir...hehe :P

Sunday, 10 April 2011

its all about me...

hri sbtu ku brmula dngn hri yg sngt heppy...kunun ne...hehe bsa2 jak bha x jga best ok lh...yesss akhir nya dpt jga sya mnikmati episod akhir MY GIRLFRIEND IS A GUMIHO! spa ada nmpak angkat tngn...hehe tda2 bha kn tba2 angkat tngn ne...lolz tp mmg best lh 2 story...jgn lpa tngk d youtube arhh bgi yg brmnat...ermmm pa lgi yg best arh kemarin 2....eeeee boring bha hidup sya ne sbb ddk d rmh jak body pn sya nmpk2 mcm smakin mmbsar ne...huuu ne lh part yg sya pling x walau bagaimna pn mc blh d kwal maw start exercise lh ne klu bla arh...ermm bsok??next week or next month???huuuu ssh ne klu tda kwan maw exercise kin boring jak ne...ermmm nnt fkir2 lu lh ne mcm niat untuk exercise ttp akn d laksanakn...hehe harus bha e2...hahaha oooo ya...ada hot story ne maw kongsi but this hot story for me jak lh ne mgkn klu kmu mgkn x....hehe ermmm gne crta dya...hehe jeng3..haha tda2 bha..hmmmm smlm kn sya pg rhsl bha d greja sbb sya rndu maw mnari rbna tiap2 mnggu pn mlyni bhgian rebana jga pn...hehe mnat mnari bha kn...hmmm lpas rhsl sya kna hntr olh seorng jejaka ne...n 2 llki ne kunun mnat sya dri sya form 3 bkn sya jak yg dya mnat...bnyk lgi...huuuu ssh ne klu llki gne...ermmm tyme prjlnn blik rmh dya blik2 sebut nma sya [part that i hate most]....pas 2 tba2 ayt ne kluar dri mulut dya "mari kta couple" pnya lh x romantik llki sethu sya mmg pndai brkata @ mngayat...maybe yesterday he lost into words...nervous mgkn...heheermmm so my answer is NO! dngn nada seru lgi 2...hehe x bha mna da...joking jak 2...hahaha bgs klu lwk pn...hehe :P tp mmg x maw lh couple ngn dya..sbb no filling for him klu as a friend 2 ada this guy mmg bek lh..klu ko ada mslh he will help u...untung jga lh spa dpt dya...but for me ermmm he's not my type bha...buang msa jak kmi couple nnt...:-) so maybe my answer disspoint him but what can i do kn my filling is not for heart is still with the guy that i love the  most other than my dad lh....but my heart is actually belong 2 GOD...most of it ok! there u answer is NO...and if he ask me again my answer will still be NO!....hehe jht kh??? x bha kn yg jht 2 yg x maw trus trang 2 kn....hmmm dont want to make the wrong decison lgi tired of it....x ska btul ada problm ne ngn guys....huuuuu kin ssh hidup jak....i've been through this a lot....and i really hate skrg nE sya msti fkir beribu2 kli dlu sblm buat kptsn x maw ada yg skit hti ne biar keputusan 2 mmberkati diri sya n org len kn...hehe yg paling pntg adalh doa bha...klu ada pa2 mnta prtolongn dri yg d atas jak gerenti he will help us doubt ne...prcya lh....k lh trllu pnjg sdh jari jemari ku menekan keyboard laptop ne...should stop right now lh kn nnt boring plak follower2 sya...hehe pa2 pn please support my blog k...wlaupn jrg skli sya update ne...hehhe k enjoy reading...HAVE A NICE DAY PEEPS! GBU^^

Monday, 4 April 2011

Now I Love You - Lee Seung Gi [My Girlfriend is a Gumiho OST] Romanization

 English Lyrics:

I love you.Words from the bottom of my heart

I love you.Words that I would like to say again a thousand times

Until now I haven't give you anything.

So I want to give you more now

Words which I would like to tell

Only to you

Back then, I don't know about love

Staying by the side of someone

I'm both unfamiliar and scared

In this kind of thing

Only now, I understand love

Those days which I always push you away

I said that it wasn't love between us

Thanks for the trust you have given me

Looking back now, there are lots of memories

I really didn't know that was actually love

I love you.

Words from the bottom of my heart

I love you.

Words that I would like to say again a thousand times

Until now I haven't give you anything.

So I want to give you more now

Words which I would like to tell

Only to you

From now onwards, I will defend our love

Even if it's simple-minded

Even if I will look like a fool

Because I'm the guy who only see you

You must be tired of this incomplete love

Although it's a bit late, will you give me a chance?

I love you.

Words from the bottom of my heart

I love you.

Words that I would like to say again a thousand times

Until now I haven't give you anything.

So I want to give you more now

Words which I would like to tell

Only to you

I, who is tired every day,

Will be really glad to be able to meet you

And say these words that make you feel touched

I love you.

Words from the bottom of my heart

I love you.

Words that I would like to say again a thousand times

Until now I haven't give you anything.

So I want to give you more now

Words which I would like to tell

Only to you <3!


really love this story....cant stop thinking about the next episode of this story! just watch this drama for a few times and it always make me cry...huuu sometime it make me laugh till my stomache ache...heee dont miss this drama coz it will touch ur heart!...enjoy listening to the song and also enjoy reading my blog :-P!


Saturday, 26 March 2011

thanks god!^^

finally my nervousness about spm result is now gone... tyme ambik result pnya lh kin sajuk...huuu lmbt lgi 2 turn maw ambik 2 slip keputusan...hmm excited feelling pn ada jga tyme maw ambik result 2 tp kna tngalam olh perasaan nervous yg teramat sngt...huuuu like a crazy person jak tyme 2....hehe but still can control my self...heeee welll i got to meet all my classmate and my friends that i didn't meet for a long tyme...and some of them obviously had some changes in their look....esspecially on their size...haha...dont be mad^^ but its true...heeee well go back to the story...hmmm some of my friends already know their result by checking through sms...hmmm n their result kin sya tMbah nervous ne sbb smua nya tnggi2 ne...terutama nya one of my frens yg pndai ne dya dpt 7A 3B oo..huuu n my bestfrens plak dpt 5A..hmmm tp dya x puas hti  ne sbb target dya x kesmpaian pa blh bt i didn't check my result through sms coz x ska mnggu ne klu gn sms maw jga yg d tngn 2 slip kptusan...hehe bru lh tepat...ok2 bnyk2 sdh kwn2 yg dpt result drg n its my turn to take it...wowww.so2 nervous when my turn to get it...well when its my turn i was so dissapointed when my class teacher said that i cannot have my slip coz i have not return 2 of my text book that i borrow...i thought that book is not going to be return again...but i still can see my result even though i cannot take it..hmmm well when i see my slip....heee i only count how muCh A that i get...haha and im so heppy for my result...wlau pn trpksa plng blik ambik bku tp mc heppy jga many friends and family texting and calling me to ask my result but i did not tell thm how much A i got..only tell them yg smua nya kredit...heeee biar lh rahsia bha...hehe tpii last2 trpksa bgtaw jga lh sbb kna pksa kn...huuu so heppy bout it....sya pnya addm3 pn yg x prnh2 lulus blh jga bha pg B...hehe sngt2 struggle for that subject coz dont want to dissapoint my fav teacher >mr. martin<...hehe...and also my chemistry...have high expectation for that subjct to get an A on it....struggling for that subject too coz never got A on tht subject...and finnaly chem sya A jga wlaupn A- jak lh...huuu tpi heppy jga ne...hehe..and sngt2 hepy my english subject dpt jga merasa gred A ne...spnjang exam UPSR n PMR grd sya msti B jak wlaupn dlm stiap percubaan blh dpt A ne...heee akhirnya x sia2 usaha ku...hehe...hmmmm heppy jga lh for my result ne n hope  my family is proud of me... n im hoping too that i can continue my study in a better place....THANKS GOD! ^^

Saturday, 12 March 2011

love dancing so much!!!!

wowww its been a while that i didn't post anything on my blog...heeee well theres nothing to talk about...but really have to tell u guys about this one...i really2 want to take dancing lesson but dont know where to go...coz i dont know where place that recomend a dancing lesson in kaybe..and never heard it before...actually i hve learn  a few type of traditional dance in my kampung but still i want to learn more ON traditional dance...coz its really fun...hmmm the reason for me to talk about this topic is because my lil sis went to smk narinang to take the traditional dance lesson there..that held by all school in kaybe not really sure....all the student that participate in this activity had learn 8 types of traditional dance that really popular in sabah...and its making me jealous when seeing all the students learning this 8 traditional dance that taught by the dance teacher from smk narinang ...huuuuu...if only i can join theM.... :( what a frustrated moment for me...hmmmm im kinda sad for that.....ermmm  i've told my mumy that i want to take a dancing lesson and she kinda agree with it but dont know where i can go to take the i hope that she can find a dancing class for me so tht i will not be bored staying at home all the day praying so she will find one for me...and i surrendEr this to GOD<3!!


Saturday, 5 March 2011


huuuuu spm result is going to come out soon....and its really making me nervous...hmmm have i done the best  answering all the question in every single subject thaat i take???this question  always playng in my mind!! and i dont know how to answer it coz the answer is depends on the result that u will have soon!! i dont like the feeling that i feel right now coz its make me sick!!!really hate this...its not like the other exm that we take in school coz this exam will determine the next chapter of our life...its making me more nervous when talking about it...well i have to face it coz watever happen the result will be coming out....arghhhhh!!!!!this is  really making me sick!!!!!heeeee....but will face it with confident, patience and brave heart!!!! coz it was very important things to do while facing this kind of situation...and dont forget to pray to god about this...coz HE will always help u to face every single situation that u will have to face in life!!heeee... 
                        face it with smile and u should too!!
hmmm tomorow will go to church and teach the kid of 7 years old...and i cannot wait for that....its make me happy when i see them and make my worriedness about spm result diseappear for a minute ^^ to watch all the character of each kid that i will teach...heee they always make me smile but sometimes they naughtiness can make u feel angry but they still kid and dont know much...sooo need to be patiEnce with them...cant wait to see them!!...ermmm i think thats all i want to share for today...hepy sunday everyone <3!!! GBU (^_^)

still breathing in this world..

theres nothing interesting for today...but still gratefuul coz im still breathing in this world...thank you god <3!!i hope i will live longer in this world....hehe..hmmmm today i didn't wake up early...last night i cant sleep coz i got headache...but luckily i have the panadol to release the pain...maybe crying is not a good thing to do when u facing many problm!! coz it will only bring pain to dont try this to urself....hehe just kidding!!when u want to cry just cry but dont overdoing it coz it can harm urself!! heee...k this morning>>> awake by my mom phone call...really hate when something disturb me while im one ever like to be disturb while sleeping!! but all i can do is pick up the phone coz if not u may lose something that really important for u to know or maybe not :P....hmmm well my mom phone call is about asking me if i want to join her go to kk??? and of course i want to go...for what???hmmm maybe to get rid of my boredness staying at home all the day i got up and start to do all the housework that i need to finish before taking my shower....after finishing my work..i took my shower and got ready coz my dad is going to pick me up and take me to my mother office...we go to kk following one of my mom colleague....even though i went to kk but it still not fun coz we go there to take care of my mom insurance and not taking me to go shoping...huuu so frustrated by that..hmmm but not really coz we had stop by at a clothes store..and there i buy a short pants that really catch my eye..heeee so even though we go to kk to take care of my mom insurance things i still didn't come home with an empty hand....hehe so glad with that!! we arrived in kb at 3.15pm!! at kb my mom and me stop by at one of my favourite saloon in kb that is the JELITA SALLOON!! i have gone to the sallon since i was...hmmm maybe two years old young right??? hee...well we go there to trim my curl hair coz my mom said tht my hair will not grow healthy if i didn't trim it..well i did it as she ask me to do it..need to obey the queen when she ask u to do it...huuu...well still love my hair even though it was a bit shorter than before triming it....after got my hair done we go buy a curler for my hair and go home...
i  get myself ready coz tonight need to go to church service for pmm..and the students that staying at the hostel of smk tambulion also joining us....andd what a wowwer!!! there r so many of them...dont forgt to mention that i was bless by the preach that the pastor told us tonight that iis about "HOW NOT TO LOSE UR SANCTITY" really bless with it...well all the story will have the end and my story for today also will end now and will be continue soon..heeee....really need some sleep and rest coz i was so tired today...k for all the reader hope u like  my story for today even though its not that interesting...but still want to share it with u and make my boredness dissapear for a while...heee...
thanx for reading <3 !

Friday, 4 March 2011


i have never mention that i am a perfect person and never mention who imperfect!!!!u ask me to think??did u think before typing words on ur blog?? did u remember who start the fire??...come on lh!!never mention about SUPERDEVIL  too...its u that want to call ur self that....i mntion about it all the time coz i care for what had happen and still want it to be ok!! hmmm never ask u to read all that i post in my facebook!! and FYI theres nothing bad that i talk about u in my blog!!! ok u want aLl of this to stop???ok fine!!!! it will be stop!!! GOD WILL ALWAYS BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

get through this with patience !

its getting worse and worser!!!!why???hmmm maybe i didn't stop mentioning about it...well how am i going to stop  if my brain dont want to stop thinking about that problm....its not just me that dont want to stop but its her it wrong when im expressing my feeling through this blog?? i never give any feedback of ur story!!just keep my self calm and take it with a big smile even though its really painfull to swallow when reading ur blog...cant u do the same way i did???or maybe its u that dont want to u want to blame me for what had happen dear! ok fine if they didn't talk behind my thanx for doing that really2 appreciate it!...but what is this >>>stop talking rubbish????<<<its not a rubbish lh dear its reality!! well its really going to ruin the relationship we have by day reading ur blog just making my heart it u writing the blog or someone else...i dont know u anymore..we grow up together but like i never know u for all this years....this really make me sad : (...i always think how to make this stop and just be ok again...but i dont know what to do?....always pray to god so that all of this will have the end of it but like it will never going to stop...maybe crying is not the way to solve this problm but what can i do my tear keep coming out from my eyes when thinking about this....hmmm i really have to calm my self now! <3...thats all i want to share with all of u guys<3!!have a blessing night <3 ! 


Wednesday, 2 March 2011


why is this hapenning to so tired with all of this problem and i really dont like it....why meeeee????? problm with my cousin also not ok still not talking with really dissapointed with them...i really think now they really hate me and talking about my badness behind my back...hmmm well FYI i dont care what u guys want to say about me....hmmmmm enough with my my problem with my bf....upssss actualy he is already my ex really sad with that but what can i do...i really dont want any official relationship right not ready for that...i think im too young for that...hmmm really???haha...well my reason is i dont want any relationship with any guy right now bcoz i want to focus on myself and my family...i want to have a good grip of me so that i can do the same to someone i love too...not only loving him but to understand him better....well when we broke up i told him not to contact me for awhile so we could calm ourself ...i told him too that when things got ok im the one will contact him....sooo  he did not contact me as i ask him not to..then i was suprise that he is the one who contact me first after a few days...mmmm maybe he miss me and really want to talk about .the relationship...i think he really love me and dont want to let me go...what a nice guy right??im such a  bad girlfriend....hehe well not really..i treat him really2 good...hehe (perasan jak 2 tpi btul jga lh : P)...well we have discuss about it but not all of it lh...just a little bit of the problm...well we stick to the relationship we have right now that is just a friend..even though that he want the relationship to be more than friend....huuuuuuu so sad right???....well all i can do now is say sorry to him coz im really not ready in tht kind of thing..hmmm its settle with my ex....and im really heppy with that....sooo relief when my problm with my ex is ok....huuuuuu...but now come another problm that i really2 dislike...wowww and this is the first time i face a problm like this...arghhhhhh...dont know what to think right so mess up....ermmm the story begin like 5.50 pm today...i got a phone call from a guy that always contacting me....well i accept the phone call and im so shock that his GIRlFRIEND was the one who called me using his phone...and im so suprise by that...and i really dont know what to say when she ask me many question...this is so confusing me...she ask me about the msgge that the guy always send to stressing me when she ask me about that...huuuuuu i feel so guilty right now....after i told her what kind of messge that we talk about she tell me that theres no need to worry and i can sms him again if i want to becoz he is single..oooo my god!!!then she say thanx and hang up the phone..i dont want to mke their relationship like that...i dont like to ruin other people relationship.....well i dont like this guy i treat him just like my other friends and i consider him as my brother...theres nothing going on between me and just a friend and nothng more than that....why did i always reply his messge....if i didn't reply it maybe this problm will never bother me... im really worry about their relationship!!!!i hope they will be together again...i dont want becoz of me their relationship will be ovr...oooo noo!!!!arghhhhhhhhh dont like i really need to apology to her...its not totally my fault actualy...if her bf did not sms me or calling me this problm will never comes out...its always him that contact me first and sometimes im really bored with him and i will just ignore him.....hmmmmmmm im really sorry for what had happen....i hope that she will understnd this situation...i dont want her to judge me or hate me for this...i hope she will accept my apology....

Sunday, 27 February 2011

we got it!!!

yeahhhhhh....akhir nya ada jga prkara yg buat sya heppy...hehe
yesterday we had perform our pokudinding dance in front of the visitors from muzium kebudayaan...ingt kn sikit2 jak yg dtg pg tngk kmi perform...duiii pnya  lh men bnyk pelawat dri muzium kebudayaan 2..maw dkat jga bha 20 org yg dtg maw tngk prsmbhn kmi ne blh kna kc perform d sabah fiesta taw pn x..

hmmmm...before buat performance 2...msti lh bha buat prsiapan kn tuk mnari..msti bju lngkap, rmbut kemas n mka pn msti yg bkin kecewa ne..pnari2 lmbt dtg utk bt smua 2 persiapan...kmmi buat 2 pelawat2 trtunggu2 kmi ne..sbb kmi lmbt lbh kurg 45 mnit klu x slap luckily e2 x mmpngaruhi penerimaan drg tuk bwa kmi perform d sabah to the dancer>> len kli jgn lg lmbt2 arhhh...hehe nnt kta lgi yg ssh...huuu advise ne utk kita smua lh kn...hehe

ptg kmarin kmi bt performance d dewan kg piasau....pnya lh men nervous nmpk 2 audience dri muzium kebudayaan 2....huuuuuuuuuuuuu yg dpt kmi buat is take a deep breath jak lh...smpai jak d dewan kmi p d blkng pentas tuk last advise from kmi pnya sifu...pas 2 kmi berdoa wlaupn ini bkn acara greja tp kmi ttp berdoa coz maw mnta BLESSING FROM GOD...bnyk btul cbrn oo tyme maw smbyng 2...ada yg bg surat,, srh sdia lh n mcm2 lg lh tp nsb bek kmi dpt jga berdoa ne....

tyme mnari...duiiii pnya lh men nervous...degupan jntung..sya ngn TUHAN  jak taw ne...maw snyum pn bibir brgetar2 bha...ssh maw snyum tyme keadaan nervous ne...haha tp trpksa snyum jga lh maw bt expression mka yg d best kmi bt lh yg terbek tyme 2...nsib kesilapn skit jak ne....huuuuu lega jga bha lpas siap mnari nervous 2 blum hilang lg sbb blm taw dpt pg taw pn x d sabah fiesta 2...
lpas siap mnari kmi trun dri pntas then mumy yusof (koreografer professional) n judith (ketua rombongan) jmpa kmi ne...bnyk lh coment dya (mumy yusof) tntg 2 tarian..bnyk yg dya srh buang dan ubah...pas tu drg srh kmi bt stu kli lgi...kmi pn ok jga lh sbb kira maw yg terbek lgi kn...lpas performance yg kedua kli 2 nervous hilang2 sdh...leganyaaaaaaaaa....

after that  kmi dpt khabar yg kmi akn perform d sabah fiesta... pnya lh heppy kmi tyme bnyk lh condition yg pelawat dri muzium 2 bgi...drg maw kmi tmbh 4 cple lg n bju msti pa blh buat kn kmi x blh lwn kehendak drg so we need to do that things lh to satisfy blm lg dpat the right 8 people to join our group so ada lgi pemilihan mgkn yg kna buat..hmmmm sya pn x taw lh amcm...

smpat lgi ne kna ambik gmbr mcm artis bha cehhhhh...haha pnya skit bibir ne maw snyum...hehe tp tahan jak lh x lma jga kn...

bnyk lgi ne khabar gembira yg kmi dpt.....25hb APRIL kmi akn jalan p d kk tuk bt persiapn like latihan tarian n mcm2 lh..kmi d kk 2 nnt from 25hb APRIL to 2hb of MAY...fuhhh hrp2 best lh...yg pntg skali pngalaman...hehe heppy tul ne akhirnya dpt jga mnari d luar kb....smpai c dura@digo peluk2 lgi bha sya sbb trlampau hepy ne....hahaha hrp2 teda yg mnghalang tuk kmi ikut lh mnari d sabah fiesta 2 nnt...sbb trlampau hepy sdh kn ngn 2 brta...hehe


Thursday, 24 February 2011

another chapter of life....

hmmmm hw to start...well yestrday still doing the bisnes alone and i dont mind with that...maybe my bisnes partner 2 blm ready lgi maw join the bisnes again...huuuu everything went so well yesterday,,bnyk jga untung ne yg sya dpt n thats make me more heppy...well cuzzie sya stu pn sdh apology ngn sya n my granny pn told me to trima apology drg n mmg pn sya trima coz i dont want hal ne kc pnjg2...stop with that boring sdh crta psal 2 jak...

next story...lps siap bisnes 2 pa lgi plg rmh lh kn sbb mlm 2 ada rhsl mnari ne...mmg agak sdh yg pnari2 2 mmg lmbt smpai so tnggu jak lh drg kn...tyme lthn mnari 2sya btul2 mrh oo ngn my brother klu tgr ckit jak msti mngganas ne..x btul pndai control 2 panas baran dya...sya pn thn mlu jak lh dpn pnari2 sbb dya ska bt org mlu kn.. eee kin panans tul oo org mcm 2 x pndai sdr dri lg 2...huuuu

then my bf...arghhhhhhhhhh sya btul2 tda mood lgi maw couple2 oo skrg ne...boring sdh btul ne..walaupn sya still syg dya tp sya mmg x maw couple2 oo skrg ne...hmmmmm mcm mna lh sya maw bgtaw dya psal ne arhhh...sdh lh skarng ne pn kmi ada mslhhhhh...arghhhhh sya x thn lgi oo ngn mslh mcm  ne...sya mnysal tul oo couple2 ne tda jga yg sya dpt dr smua ne except for love to hndle problm like thisss???sya btul2 x taw lgi maw bt pa ne..klu blh sya maw vanish jak dri mka bumi.....lolzzzz sya taw jga yg prkra 2 msthil trjadi kcuali lh klu sya mati..hahahaha palis2 jak lh kn..hehe 

todayyy....sya pn x taw pa yg akn jdi hri ne...bngn2 jak tdi trus jak on9 ne sbb x dpt tngk tv kn ada problm astro ne..smpai skrg blm blh bka lg tv....borink nyaaaa....hrp2 hri ne ada something that happen yg blh bt sya hepy...pray to GOD lh so i can be hepy today...well thats all my story for today...GOD BLESS ALL OF US!!

enjoy guys!!!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

what an emotional day!!

ermmm x taw mcm mna maw mla ooo...well hri ne only me yg kc jln bisnes kmi 2...mula2 semua nya brjln dngn bek n lancar..tda mslh lngsg...n suddenly my granny ask me knapa my bisnes partner ne x dtg so sya pn jwp lh x taw cuz sya btul2 x taw knapa dya x dtg..sdh pn sya inform dya...ermmm lpas jak sya bgi jwpn 2 my granny mention about yg problm kmi 2..n mcm dya blame sya jak for what had happen..taw lh bha drg 2 kn cucu kesayangan my grandparents every mistake yg drg bt msti kna sya x thn lgi kna ckp mcm2 my tears keluar lh...sbb slama ne sya thn jak mslh yg tmbul msti sya jga yg kna kc slh aunty pn tdi pa lgi dya mrh lh my granny sbb tba2 x taw pa2 maw ckp2 mcm 2...sya pn x thn sdh sya lri lh dri my granny n do something else...sdh lh my day rosak gara2 hal e2 skrg ne tmbul lgi stu...duiii what an owfull day btul ooo...klu blh sya maw lri jauh2 dri kg ne so no problm akan tmbul lgi...mgkn org ingt yg sya troublemaker or watever tp sya btul2 x maw ada mslh dlm hidup sya...sya rsa ne mslh skrg btul2 bgi beban dlm hidup sya...OHHH GOD WHEN ALL THIS WILL BE END???really need the answer now...x thn sdh cuzzie pn x hbis2 maw kc slh sya ungkit mslh ne...welll fyi sya x maw mngungkit tp its just an advice untuk kta smua...sya taw lh scar d hati ko 2 bsar sngt n i understand that tpi prnh kh ko fkir psal org len n dont be selfish..grow up lh bha ckit this is not all about you bha...please lh....well ingt kn my advice 2 blh kc reda2 stress dya tp bkin tmbh lg mgkn 2...hmmmm dont know what to do lgi lh...hrp ko fhm that it just an advice klu ko maw fkir e2 sbagai sindiran ska hti lh coz i have no intention 2 sindir ko ok...klu pray psal maw kc lpa e2 smua tyme mlm hal ne brlaku sya sdh pray spya smua ne sdh sya lpa but what can i do???hentak kpala d simen kh untuk lpa smua ne...only stupid person will do that bha...lolzz sya pn x taw mcm mna lg maw kc ok ne mslh maybe better for me to keep my distance from them lh spya mslh ne x bruk...

enjoy reading!!!!

GOD please help us to solve this problem....

  yesterday my cuzzie posted at my walls saying that they r sorry for what had happen..and apology was im hoping that situation like this will never comes out n happen again..situation like this wiil not only make my relationship with my friends n my cuzzies  will be like a disaster but also our parents..well situation like this pernah berlaku sblm ne n sya btul2 x ska pa yg trjdi sbb pasal stu mslh jak kmi x brtgr n have bad feelings for each other n i dont want it to be happen again..the past is the past n just let it be the past...n because of that problm jga i dont want people to judge n blame me for what had happen...every problem that happen msti brkaitan dngn my cuzzie oza, lea n of course me...sometimes i never understand why problem always arise between us n bila kmi sama2..maybe GOD maw bgi cbrn dlm hubungan kmi yg brcousin ne..n thanx to my cuzzie phamp n didie yg slalu bntu sya to solve problm like this..without them blm tntu lgi mslh yg mcm ne akan hope u guys will always be around to help me...well i dont want to exaggerate this story...n for my cuzzie oza that in stress right now...hey girl no need to be stress..i know yg ko dgn mumy ko skrg ne ada problem bcoz of this situation so dont blame ur mumy sbb dya mrh2 ko kh x prcya ko bcoz every mum want the best for thier daughter mngkn ko x taw that deep inside ur mumy heart yg dya x maw mrh ko smpai g2...she only want the best for u...n hope u understand it...ko kn anak kesayangan dya so dya x maw ko rosak or watever...and i really dont like u call ur self the superdevil person bcoz i know that u r not a devil..well when we hang out i dont feel that u r evil but i feel ur kindness n sweetness<3< my cuzzie oza hve something to tell u.....what ever happen next we just have to be strong...w just have to remember that GOD ALWAYS WITH US NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN!!!!!!1

              CHILL OUT GURL<3<3<3


Monday, 21 February 2011


yeaaaahhh...finaly have my own blog...been struggling to create this blog and now i can do anything with my blog..lolz 
enjoy blogging....