hmmm why did i put 1000 in my entry for today?? :) its becoz i will reach 1000 viewers soon...hehe im so heppy for so glad 2 share my life story with u guys...appreciate all the viewers...may god bless u all peeps...mwahhhhhhhhh^^
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
ok this is just a quick entry from me..suara sya skrg ne x brpa ok a.k.a serak2 basah mcm pnyanyi rock ne d sbb kn selesma yg mnyerang dri sya...and its hard for me to talk with people with a voice like this...sbb ssh maw fhm pa yg kita ckp..x jelas kn..harap2 suara sya dpt kembali kpda asal dlm msa terdekat ne..huuu..ok ne hri pa sya buat arhh??? hmm sya ne mmg ska tidur lmbt n bgn pn lmbat..x pyh lh sya bgtaw jam brpa sya bngn nnt kin malu sya jak..hehe yg pntg mmg late lh klu bngn pgi..hehe ok sya bt lh krja harian sya for example mnyapu, lipat kain n bnyk lgi lh krja yg patut sya lakukn...huuuu jam 2.35pm sya jln pg greja utk kc jalan 2 reasel pementasan sklh mnggu..x lma lgi oo 2 anak sklh mnggu buat perfomance drg will be in this saturday oo...2 lh smua guru2 pmntasan sdg skit kepala fikir pasal semua 2..pa2 pn kmi serah kpda yg d atas jak..sbb dya yg atur smua nya utk kita kita msti jga berusaha spya smua nya dpt brjaln dgn lancar,,,doa2 jga utk ini ne sbb sya taw ne sngt pntg utk anak2 sklh mnggu...heee ok nsib bek ank2 sklh mnggu yg dtg d greja tdi bnyk jga n dpt jga kmi masuk d greja walaupn kunci tertinggal d dlm greja..thanx 2 d kid of sklh mnggu jga lh sbb drg pndai cri idea bka greja kn...hehe ok enough for that...reasel kmi brjalan dgn lancr n thanx kpada guru2 n pmm yg dtng mmbntu,,sya taip jak lh nma drg d cni utk pnghargaan [miss dion, miss oza, miss lisa, mr madir n mr daniel]...hehe actually 2 bkn nma sbnar drg tp nma glamour so lbih bgs gna nma glamour kn...hehe eeiiii sya lpa plak thanx 2 pastor kmi jga sbb bntu dlm prsmbhn koir...hehehe...mmg pnat jga lh ajar anak2 sklh mnggu ne..trpaksa gna intonasi suara yg lbih tnggi ngn drg tp dgn mka yg bek lh bkn nya garang btl bha...heee 2 lh drg x tkut dgn kmi,,,huuuu pa blh bt mc bdk2 bha drng kn...ok lh sya taip yg awal2 tdi quick entry kn..hmm x sngka bkn quick sya rsa ne sbb pnjg sdh sya taip..x perasan plak kunun ne...kwang3..kekke x pa bha kn..hehe ok lh e2 jak yg sya dpt share...ermm no pic for today lpa ambik gmbr tdi,,,hehe maw jga bha... k lh see u in the next entryy k...gud nyte peeps! ^^
Monday, 9 May 2011
the interview...
entry sya kali ne sya sya taip dlm bahasa sabah jak lh arhhh...ok sya smpai d hospital kaybe pda jam 7 pagi n sya jmpa my closest friend dri sklh...nsib bek ada jga kwn ne tyme interview...jam 8am kmi d bawa p stu tmpt nma 2 tmpt adalh rumah mesra...d sna kmi kna srh jwab kertas soalan yg mmpunyai 227 soalan...laaa xpyh risau lh senang2 jak soalan dya...budak sekolah rndah pn blh jwab jga ne...ok slps siap mnjawab kmi ambik nmbor giliran utk temuduga n saya adalah org ke-14 yg kna temuduga...yg closest friend sya 2 dya awal ckit dya org kedua kna intrview ne...ermmm kmi mnnunggu dgn sabarnya d tmpt yg brdkatan dgn tandas lgi 2...eee trcium bau-bauan dri tndas adalh salah stu prkra yg x kita inginkn tyme intervw kn tp pa blh buat sdh nsib kmi mnunggu d tmpt brdktn tndas...d tambah lgi dgn panas nya kmi mnunggu smpai brpeluh2 bha..ok my turn kna intervw..mmg ada perasaan nervous ckit lh tyme kna msti bt mka confident lh spya x brpa ketara nervous kn...ok2 bnyk lh soalan yg 2 penemuduga tnya...salah stu nya adalah "siapakh ketua kesihatan di negeri sabah?" something like that lh....duiii btul2 sya blurr ne sbb sya sndri x pasti ne buat mka confidnt jak jwab soalan 2 penemuduga...sya ckap jak kurang pasti..kwang3..kekeke pa blh bt kn sdh x taw ne...bnyk lg lh soalan yg dya tnya n smua sya try jwab ngn bek n confident...hmmm smpat lgi penemuduga bgi tips2 n advise utk sya ne...hehe bek drg sma klu sdh jwabn temuduga nnt x dpt pa blh bt kn..sya continue jak lh d matriks ne...n lgi stu hrp2 permohonan rayuan utk UPU sya 2 kna trima lh...ok e2 jak lh ne hri..lgi pn sya mc kurang sihat lgi..kpla mc pening2 sya brdoa jak lh utk smua yg sya pohon n twaran yg sya dpt spya smuanya ok2...hehe ok see u in the next entry...have a good day peeps! gbu^^
Sunday, 8 May 2011
there's sumthing wrong wit my nose!!
ok2 its not really serious bha ne...bkn nya sya dpt penyakit yg berbahaya bha...hehe cma skrg ne sya sdg selesema so my nose blik2 tersumbat n its hard for me to breath normally...hmm lgi stu yg sya pling x ska ada liquid yg x mnyenangkn kluar dri hidung that is "hingus"...yuckkkkk....XD really2 dont like when i got sick also got the headache n my bdan is like so wick..its minimize my movement ne...wlau bagaimna pun i still have the energy to post an entry in my blog...hehehe actually tdi ptg sya rsa mcm bleh than lgi ne skit sbb x jga teruk sngat..sempat lgi sya ngn kawan2 pgi mkan mee sup at one of my favourte place..xtaw tba2 jak my headache menggila ne...actually this week jga is my group turn to be the tambourine dance in my church but bcoz of this disease attack me so i cant go the group leader i would like apologise to all of my ahli kumplan coz i didn;t go...sya sndri pn rsa sngt2 kecewa ne...hmmm btw all the best for tomorow...ok bru jak siap tngk AF and the person who got out for this week is AFIF...huuu he is one of my favourte student in AF u know..i like his character n he is so cute for me lh...hehe and of course i would like to give credit to NERA coz she is getting better n better in her perfomance...i hope she will do much better for the next concert...hmmm now i am so nervous when thinking about my interview in monday...i think i dont have any preparation yet n this making me more nervous...i dont know how to answer all the question that will be ask...maybe all i have to do is just be myself n be honest kn...but my confident level is not enough lgi ooo...hrp2 x lh gugup time jwap all the soalan2 nnt...huuuu so guys please pray for me n wish me the best for this monday...for tommorow i will be handling the perhimpunan of sekolah mnggu if i feel much better tomorrow i will handle it but if not i will ask someone to replace me...hope i will feel much better for tomorrow n this monday...coz it will be not comfortable when going to an intrview with a sick face n weak body....its too long already kn so to end my entry for today there r some pic i would like to share during me n my friends makan mee sup tdi.. :)
the name of the kadai mee sup in my kampong.. :) |
enjoying the mee sup... :) |
palan2 bha kita...hehe :P |
geng mkan mee sup ne kli..hehe :P |
the same pic bha ne...hehe :P |
myta n his cute niece.. :) |
the aunty who prepare our mee sup n helped by his daughter :) |
orang yg sdh kanyang...keke :P |
one of the cutest kid in our kampong.. :) |
yg pling lambt dtg ne...kmi siap mkan bru smpai :P |
looking for her surat sinta...wakakaka :P hope can makan mee sup with u guys lagi was fun for me...god bless... ^^ |
Saturday, 7 May 2011
going back to the old school (smard)...
...well the title above may confuse the readers kn....the question is am i going back to high school again??? hehe and my answer is NOPE! for the high school jak lh...coz im going to continue my study jga but not in form6 ok...i got the offer from matriculation im going to that place...i hope i can fit in quickly there...ok now continue about the title above..actually yes i've been at my old school this morning...for what?? i go there to take my 'surat lepas sekolah' bha...coz this monday im going to the interview of spa8...i hope i can do better for the interview..please pray for me k...thanxxx^^ hehe...actually there r many of us that go to that school to tke surat lepas, sijil n mcm2 lgi lh...after that we go to town...jln2 kunun...hehe actually there r 9 of us bha that go to school but we were separated time we went to the town...masing2 ada tujuan..hehe so only 4 of us lgi lh that krja kmi adalah round2 2 tu kb jak ne...kekeke...after we arrive at the town we go to the post office to buy something,,hehe n then we go to kadai mee sup to fill our empty stomach...hmmm sedap oo yg kmi mkn 2...hehe k then bru lh kmi round2 kb...eventhough we see the same thing everytime we got to town ne...hehe yg pntg enjoy bha...kekeke ok to end my story thre r some pic that i would like to share with u... :) >>>
ini lh kwn2 sya jln2 round2 kb...hehe from left kmi pnggl dya c digo, seha n gurl..cute2 kn..hehe |
me holding the biggest teddy bear at that store.. :P |
holding the i <3 u teddy bear..hehe :P |
candid kunun ne tp tengok yg sna blakang mcm bkn candid kn...kekeke :P |
yg tngah2 2 maw masuk form1 blik..wakakaka |
smua pn buat mka cute ne...hehe :P |
trip2 2 mulut patung ikan ne... :) |
ini ne trip2 country girl ne.. :P |
ok that all our picture that i had taken...ukey have a nice day :)
Thursday, 5 May 2011
sabah fest 2011...
bha i want to ask u guys something...hehe brkaitan dgn tajuk d atas jga bha ne...hmmm ada kmu pgi mlawat sna hotel magellan sutera harbour resort kh pda 30th april ngn 1st may....sbb sna ada pertunjukan SABAH FEST bha...hehe actually i've been there at that time...not only me bha but also with my friends and family...u know why bcoz kmi buat prsmbhan d sna ne...syok ooo tpi pnat lh....kmi perform 2 tarian tradisi from our daerah that is the POKUDINDING DANCE..hehe sya kc campur2 jak bhsa ne sya malas full english sbb im not really good in bi bha...hehe bm sabah sya pas lh....ok starting dya gne,,hehe ada 26 org smua yg ikut pg sabah fest 2 klu x clap sya lh...16 org penari n 7 org pemain muzik tradisi n 3 crew yg len trmasuk my mum n our choreographer...kmi start lthan mnari pda 26hb tpi kmi brtolak dri kg pda 25hb sbb ltihan bsuk pgi dya klu maw awl trpksa jln awl jga...dri 26hb hingga 28hb kmi rhsl d dewan serbaguna likas...duiii pnya lh men pnas sna 2...aircond brpsng pn brpeluh jga ne...huuu ok kmi latihan dri jam 10am-10pm ada jga lh kmi rhat tp x lma lh...hehe boring jga lh tyme sna tp pa blh buat kn e2 jak krja kmi mnari mnari dan mnari...hehe 29hb kmi fulldress rehearsel d hotel sdh ne...d sna pnya lh men sajukkk....pkai bju tradisi pn sajuk jga ne...kebas tngn n kaki...pa2 pn mmg best jga lh...lgi yg kin penat kmi kna sruh brdiri dri jam 6.30pm-9pm utk smbt TYT jak ne..x kh e2 bikin penat n pnas sdh lh kna suruh senyum jak...mcm x skit mulut jak yg best dya bnyk pelancong luar negara bwa brgambar ne x jga rugi lh brdiri jak..ehe ermmm lgi stu kwn2 sya ckp mka sya kluar daily express pnya newspaper ne...hmmm hrp2 btul lh 2 sbb sya blm nmpk lgi bha..hehe...ok secara ringkasnya sepnjang kmi buat perfomance ada msa kmi smua heppy n ada msa kmi sdih d tmbh lgi ada yg menangis ne....huuuuuu x maw mention nma lh tp ada yg menangis sbb kna kc slh kn...duiii in group x blh g2 bha kn...msti brsatu padu ne spya 2 group x mdah jatuh stiap keslahan haruslh d tnggung brsama n bukan nya sling menyalhkn antra stu sma len so ini pn stu pengajaran lh buat kmi n kita smua k...heeee ermmm laaa lpa maw mention ada stu tarian n lagu yg pling best lh tyme d sna yg kmi bljar tjuk lgu dya yg sya taw MANUK LIMBOKON..x taw lh klu btul 2 tarian mmng yg pling malatop lh...hehe kc heppy hti yg bad mo0d ne...hrp2 msa akn dtg kmi dpt buat yg lebih bek drpd sblm ne...hehe n lgi stu mumy yusof jga pling manang...lolzzzz k lh bg mngakihiri post sya kli ne sya kc tngok kmu smmua gmbr2 tyme kmi sna....enjoyyy>>>>
my mumy and me <3! |
my dancing partner...nama dya c josua...kmi lh psngn cute...hehe perasan ne... |
this is me posing like unduk ngadau but ada org enterframe bha kin spoil jak my pic...hehe :P |
some of the dancers r missing in this pic...huuu :( |
yg d tengah2 2 our choreograapher...hehe :)) |
cute2 bha kn...:) |
me with my bestie...hehe:) cantik kh?? :P |
ini kwan tyme bdak2 till now lh n my classmte from form1-form3... :) |
we taking candid pic yg x menjadi ne...wakaka |
sja jak ne... :P |
this is my cuzzie n me... :) |
at the centre is mumy yusof..paling malatopp...hehe |
this is my family...yg pling tnggi 2 adik llki sya n bkn nya abg k..rmai org clap ne..hehe :) |
me posing like gadis melayu terakhir...hehe :P |
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